How to use

In this section, according to the questions of users, we will briefly learn how to use the website.
  • Guest users can view products and categories and they can search products through their respective filters.
  • Guest users can share their questions, comments, criticisms and suggestions with us from the 'contact support' section that is on the bottom right of the main page, and receive answers via e-mail.
  • Users also can communicate through Facebook, Telegram, LinkedIn, email and company phone number that are located at the bottom of all pages.
  • By subscribing to the Emertat Customer Club, which is located on the homepage, users can notified the latest news and information from the company and benefit from the privileges of the club members.
  • Registered users are able to view products and categories along with the ability to add them to favorites and cart.
  • Registered users also have the option to manage the list of favorites and cart as well as product order and order management.
  • Registered users are also allowed to subscribe to the Club of the customers and receive the latest news and announcements along with the benefits of membership in the club.
  • Registration notes:
    • If you enter the email when registration, the activation link will be emailed to you immediately and your account will be activated after you verify that. If you use the phone number for activation, the administrator will contact you and activate your account after authentication.
    • If you have an issue with the activation link after registration, you can report the problem to the admin in the link related to the administrator on the main page, the lower part, to the right, in order to take the necessary action.
  • To order a product through the website, you need to register on the website.
  • To order a product, enter the shopping cart, enter the amount and order it. After ordering the product, the relevant experts will contact you to track the sales process and after the final confirmation of the product order.
  • It should be noted that you can notify from the latest status of your orders, and cancel it before the relevant expert has reviewed your orders.
  • On the home page, the bottom of the page, on the right, there is a section for communicating with the admin.
  • You can share comments, criticisms, suggestions and problems with us here.
  • You can also connect with us through other communication channels, including Facebook, Telegram, LinkedIn, email, and company phone numbers.